Posts Tagged ‘the space-age sorcerer’

New S&W Whitebox Class – The Space-Age Sorcerer

May 27, 2013

Just playing around with a new class idea for Swords & Wizardry Whitebox, inspired by Hereticwerks recent supplement, Space-Age Sorcery (which you’ll need to use this class; you may also want to pick up Gorgonmilk’s Dungeon Funk Table, as well).

Frank Frazetta's take on a space-age sorcerer?

Frank Frazetta’s take on a space-age sorcerer?

Rather than spending decades in study and training, the sorcerer is looking for a quick and easy path to power.  However, power never comes cheap; there’s always a price to pay and for the sorcerer it comes in the form of dire consequences.  The alien gods whispering in your head don’t necessarily have your best interests in mind.

The Space-Age Sorcerer